Serinasu InuMiko Profile Page
Serinasu InuMiko

About Me

I'm just a lover of all things Sesshomaru and I so would prefer he have Kagome over Inuyasha. Sorry Rumiko!

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9 years ago
5 years ago
7 years ago
Serinasu InuMiko


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Forum Posts
12/07/2015 13:41:35Re:The Celestial ChallengeChallenges8317


  Alysia DeMaggio


Serinasu InuMiko has 1 stories

Kagome, museum buyer by day, painter by night, catches a lucky break and gets way more than she thought was ever possible. Sesshomaru saw this as no more than a business transaction, but what he gained was worth way more. Just a cute short story with a hint of lemon. Main story and Epilogue complete!
Rating: MA  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 May 2017  -  Updated: 09 Jun 2017
Genre: Drama, Erotica, Friendship, Humor, Romance  -  Chapters: 11  -  Reviews: 45  -  Words: 21,259  -  Reads: 49,064


Total number of images: 6

Inuyasha Shenanigans
Love and Windball Video Scene
  • Love and Windball Video Scene
  • Category: Fanart
Love and Windball Cover
  • Love and Windball Cover
  • Category: Fanart
Making Amends
  • Making Amends
  • Category: Fanart
Captain Taisho and Psychic Kagome
  • Captain Taisho and Psychic Kagome
  • Category: Fanart
Interrupting Inuyasha
  • Interrupting Inuyasha
  • Category: Fanart


Name Entry

Created On: 05/25/2017 13:08:16

Thanks for reviewing Killing the Cell Phone! LMBO I literally did a google search for penis synonyms... urban dictionary pulled up yogurt slinger and I just couldn't resist. I knew if I laughed out loud when I read it... someone else was bound to see the hilarity!!! You're the best!!!

INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000
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