Karia Profile Page

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17 years ago
17 years ago
17 years ago


Heyz people...at least, I am hoping you are all people. . .

My name is the name my parents gave me at birth.
My birthday is the day that i was birthed.
I live in the place i have lived all my life.
I go to school at the school i go to.
I am a girl.
I live in a city, in a house, on a street.
I live in a country.
I absolutely adore animals.
I love to write.
All feedback=appreciated~!

XoxOx.:~.-.~.-.~.-.~.-.~.-.~ I am Asian~! .-.~.-.~.-.~.-.~.-.~.-.~.-:.xOxoO
And damn proud of it~!

Birth Sign: Scorpio

Favorite Colors: Blue, Silver, Black

Hobbies: Reading books/manga, hanging with friends, talking on msn, listening to music, watching anime, just thinking sometimes

Interests: CSI (Crime Scene Investigation), animals, writing, questioning anything, anime, manga, the World, Magic, VAMPIRES


'Ticks' I have"
-people who say 'i sux at summaries'- why you ask? 1) because if you can't even write a friggin summary who is to say you can even write a stupid story baka~! (this is my darker side speaking here) 2) if you are always saying 'i suck' 'i suck' you won't get anywhere in life and will always be thinking down of yourself. Most definitely there will be other people thinking down of you and and you will only be getting lower and lower into the pits of Failure. (this is my brighter side speaking here) yesh... i have 'sides'

-people who go on and on and on and on and on and ON about a characters outfit! I am not talking about the ones who spend maybe a paragraph or two describing it because i understand that some outfits need explaining. No, i am talking about the ones who spend like 5 paragraphs on it! An article of clothing per paragraph i like to think of it..

-people who try to knock me down a few ladder steps and 'wreck' my life. Look buddy, if you can't find a life for yourself that is absolutely great for you and not my business but trying to take me down with you? That is so not kool.

-people who go 'i'm new at this so please be nice to be'- why? because it ticks me that you expect people to sympathize you so much that they would not give you their honest opinion and instead a more pampered one. What is the point in getting told a lie? It won't be helping you anywhere...Kind of like, if you cant take the heat stay out of the kitchen you know?


Other Things you Could Possibly Want to Know:
- I absolutely adore animals. XD
-No problems with yaoi, yuri, shonen-ai and shojo-ai f you dunno what those are it is like, boyxboy or girlxgirl This dun mean I am a lesbian or think gay is awesome or anything. I just have no problems with it unless...unless i do, y'kno?
- Know limited Japanese, phrases and expressions basically mostly from my friends who are more obsessed then me with the manga/anime stuff
- I luuuuv msn, and if you arent some weird psycho- chainsaw- stalker -pedophile- rapist-predator kind of person then i would prob. talk to you on msn...i have no probs. wit dat...


Fav. saying (s) of mine:
-If anyone asks for me...tell them to bother someone else.
-ne ne
-If life gives you lemons, throw those lemons at people and run like heck with their strawberries.
-Forgive and Forget--I forgive you for being a complete and utter idiot. I will forget that you ever existed.
-Mind Over Matter- I don't mind and you don't matter.
-Never turn your back on life, it has a habit of stabbing you in the back.
-I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to


yOu dUn hAvE tO bE...


(¯×. bReAk da RuLeZ

sTaNd aPaRt

iGnOrE yOuR HeAD

AnD fOlLoW yOuR HeArT. x´¯)

/x/ call me weird \x\

\o\ call me strange /o/

/x/ call me different \x\

\o\ i wont change /o/


  () ()
 (O O)
 (") (")

Copy the cute evil bunny to your profile to help him achieve world domination. Come join the dark side (we have candies, sweets and cookies)
I know You Want to...


My name is sarah

I am but three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see,

I must be stupid

I must be bad,

What else could have made

My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better

I wish I weren't ugly,

Then maybe my mommy

Would still want to hug me.

I can't speak at all

I can't do a wrong

Or else I'm locked up

All the day long

When I awake I'm all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home.

When my mommy does come

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe I'll get just

One whipping tonight

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car

My daddy is back

From Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

My name he calls

I press myself

Against the wall.

I try and hide

From his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm sradishing to cry.

He finds me weeping

He shouts ugly words,

He says its my fault

That he suffers at work.

He slaps me and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And I run for the door.

He's already locked it

And I sradish to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

Against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

With more bad words spoken.

"I'm sorry!", I scream

But its now much too late

His face has been twisted

Into unimaginable hate.

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

Oh please God, have mercy!

Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door,

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor.

My name is Sarah

And I am but three,

Tonight my daddy,

Murdered me.

Child abuse, MAKE IT STOP!
I hate child abuse having had some experience with it, it really sucks.
If you hate child abuse paste it and put it on your profile!



A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: slow down, I'm scared.
Guy:No, this is fun.
Girl:No it's not, please, it's so scary.
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl:I love you, slow down.
Guy:Now give me a big hug
She gave him a big hug
Guy:Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself, It's really bothering me.
The next day in the newspaper, a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. Two people
were in the crash, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the
breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she
loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he
would die. If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your profile.


The phaonmneal

pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a

rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't

mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the

olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer

be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl

mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed

ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling

was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!

If you could read that put it in your profile.!


If you have ever run into a door, copy this into your profile

If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vice versa copy this into your profile.

If you have ever fallen up the stairs, copy this into your profile.

If you have ever crashed into a wall while you were sugar-high, copy onto profile, sharpie counts too!

If someone has ever said something to you that had nothing to do with your current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you have ever said something that had nothing to do with your current conversation, copy and paste this into your profile!

If you and/or your best friend is insane, copy and paste this into your profile. {Tee hee hee~!}

92 percent of American teens would die if Abercombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this in your profile if you would be the 8 percent that would be laughing your head off!

If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile.

If you are aware that so many people nowadays pretend to be someone they're not, copy this on your profile.

My best friend is insane. If you agree, or if you have an insane friend, copy this into your profile!

If you believe that preps travel in packs then place this on your profile.

If you have ever felt the undeniable urge to slam your head into something, whether it is another person or not copy this into your profile.

A friend tries to help you when you get hurt, a true friends sits there laughing their ass off saying, 'Dude, you're an idiot!'

If you are addicted to vampires and would like to become one, post this onto your profile! {Heck ya dude!}

If you have spelled your name wrong PUT THIS IN YOUR PROFILE

If you have run into a sliding glass door PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE

If you have slept for almost a whole day PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE

If you have taken a practical joke to a whole other level PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE

If your pride gets in the way of your decisions PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE

If your a goody-goody PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE

If you are accident prone PASTE THIS IN YOUR PROFILE


Ninety-five percent of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. If you're part of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile, and add your name to the list. AnimeKittyCafe, Hyperactivley Bored, Gem W, Bara-Minamino, Yavie Aelinel, Crazy Billie Joe Loving Freak, Shadow929,SweetNCrazieSugarmuffin,The Komodo Dragon Phoenix,Bust_A_Groover, Tecna, Novemberscorpion110388, WriterGirl3000, tietum, misto-shadow, Kakashi500, GaaraEatsTacos, anime-naruto-rox-16, sasuke's perfect sakura, ScarredInnocence


Favorite Manga's(M)/ Anime's(A):
-Vampire Knight(M)soon to be (A) woo-hoo!)--so . friggin . kool...!
-La Corda D'oro (M/A)--la la la..muuuusic. i luv music.
-Loveless- even if it is 'yaoi' i think ish okii...no, ish awesome...!
-Inuyasha(A)-- Not very sure anymore since i haven't watched the anime in, forever. ha ha. Like the fanfiction though, Sesshomaru and Kagome fan.
-Musashi (M)--every gal has to have some kind of 'violence' kinda thing y'kno? Plus... the whole relationship off bounds thing just kinda i dunno...drew me in? LOLz.
- Shinshi Doumei Cross- my comment?...The Guys...are hot. lulz.~! INTENSE

Just Some other one's:

-Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden -Hana Kimi

-Backstage Prince -Imadoki

-Fruits Basket -Chobit

-Naruto -Ultra Cute

-Ultra Maniac -Nana

-Aishiteruze baby

If you actually read all of this, like word for word i would definitely say you deserve a cookie and a 'YAY FOR YOU!'. Except the technology that i have can't send cookies through computers...only ice cream; and even then the ice cream ends up as milk shakes... .


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Karia has 2 stories

Considered to be a child not ever meant to be by everyone who had ever loved her she is stuck in the past, blaming herself, and wishing for it to all go away; but we all know it doesn't work out that way. One meeting with a man could change all of that.
Rating: K+  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 10 May 2008  -  Updated: 14 Jun 2008
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 2  -  Reviews: 2  -  Words: 3,536  -  Reads: 4,408
Rating: T  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Incomplete  -  Category: Chapter Stories  -  Created: 14 Jun 2008  -  Updated: 14 Jun 2008
Genre: Romance  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 1  -  Words: 1,745  -  Reads: 4,246


Name Entry

Created On: 08/27/2013 21:11:29

i like ur story a lot can't to see wat u write nxt

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