Marcairn Profile Page

About Me


Me, me, me, me.

What is there to say about me?

Well, I am Marcairn - obviously - and something of a new kid here. Fairly new to writing fanfiction as well, although I read Inuyasha fanfiction even before I saw/read the series/manga. Wonderful idea, innit? Didn't understand a thing about what was going on, but hey, I was easily amused back then.

I noticed fairly early that I preferred the Sesshoumaru + Kagome pairing. Only thing I read, only thing I write (those few times I do write). Well, almost the only thing. I like Sesshoumaru + OC as well but most of those I've stumbled across weren't that good, unfortunately. Such a pity. I hope to add something really worthwhile to that pairing one day. Maybe. If I'm up to it. Sort of doubt that.

... yeah, I'm not a very optimistic person. 8D

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16 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago


Welcome. Please enjoy your stay here!

First off, I just want to say thank you for the reviews! I haven't been on this site for ages, then I checked my old mail and realized, oy, I got reviews! Six of them! That's a record for me! And all from 08-13 March, what's up with that? Did something happen then...? Anyway, thank you! They made me all warm and fuzzy inside.

And to answer one of your questions, no, the train is not symbolic of the afterlife or the journey there - unless you consider your whole life a journey to the afterlife. I'll say no more. ;) I like keeping my stories mysterious. Besides, how a story is read varies from person to person; I'll not be the one to dictate how you should read it.

... if that's the case, I shouldn't be saying that the train ain't the afterlife. Oh well. It isn't its intended symbolic meaning, and it should make sense that it isn't. I hope. Oh well.

Secondly, those of you who are interested in reading more of my work will be happy to hear that I've got a story under construction. Trouble is, I have the basic concept ready and all shiny, but I have no idea what the hell's going to happen. In other words, plot trouble abound. I will try my best, though, as it is a story I really want to write.

I mean, getting Kagome pushed into a river at the top of a mountain and letting her float all the way down must be fun!


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05/21/2010 07:47:15Re:Hades Persephone - Sesshoumaru Kagome!!Challenges5669


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Marcairn has 1 stories

I cannot remember when I got on the train. I have always been here, watching other people get on, stay and leave. I wonder if I will ever leave myself.
Rating: K  -  Universe: Alternate  -  Status: Complete  -  Category: Oneshots  -  Created: 11 Jan 2009  -  Updated: 11 Jan 2009
Genre: Angst, Romance, Vignette  -  Chapters: 1  -  Reviews: 8  -  Words: 1,749  -  Reads: 4,897

Favorite Fanart

Total number of favoured images: 5

My Autumn
 SessKag  Hair Braiding by YoukaiYume
Rape Face Poster
Location, location, location


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